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There’s a little secret you can learn today to make money online tomorrow!

If you had a website and a product, you could be making money within 24 hours.

Design a Site

Learn to Build Your Starter Site in this Intro Course

Create a Product

Let’s work together to craft your dream product launch

Launch & Grow!

Once you’ve completed your site and crafted your product for launch, join the team to learn the next steps to marketing your site and product.

Girl, now’s the time to make some money…

If you’re stuck in the office 9-6ish and struggling to find time for yourself, let alone time doing dishes, making dinner, teaching abc’s, nurturing your kids, watching the latest episode of Cookie C. Swirl with your little one, playing games, planning that trip to Disney on, wait, how much vaction time do I have left?

If you’re ready to make your own rules without having to sacrifice precious time for an employee who only cares about their “Baby” A.K.A “bottomline”.

Then listen up Ladies!

We’re going to create an online business we love not because it’s providing everything we need and more financially, but because it provides us with the freedom needed to be the best mom we can be to our children. We’ll have time to read one more story, bake that cake, homeschool our kids to avoid a broken educational system and some stranger with an unknown personality teaching your kids, rather than you!

You can have the blessing to nurture and teach your kids at your pace & theirs while growing a beautiful bond as well as memorable experience with them.



So you’re going to get started today. Not tomorrow, but TODAY!

“Well hey” you may say to yourself… how do I know this is the right course, or lesson or [insert whatever guru term you want to use here] to help me achieve this freedom?

Truth is… you don’t… But you also don’t know what tomorrow holds, does that stop you from moving into it? Nope.

You don’t know, what you don’t know. But you do know, you need help, a plan andn accountability partner to to help you with a plan to achieve this lifestyle. So rather than pay for some expensive course from someone who doesn’t share your same goals OR buy a cheap course only to find out the person behind it lied about their success and “Traffic Secrets” after you did a thourough background check using tools to show that their site, that supposedly gets thousands of visitors and generated 6 figure income, actually has 0 traffic and no real success… but hey you only wasted $50 on it… [insert annoyed face because yeah girl, been there, done that…]

You don’t know anything about me or my capabilities but here’s the truth, i’m a God fearing mama and what I will tell you is the truth. This is my goal and mission. I’ve created a brick and mortar business in the past (more on that later), I’ve powdered Big Sean’s nose, I’m self taught in all things digital and traditional marketing, enough so that I currently have a six-figure job to prove my track record and I’ve generated over 3 million dollars in revenue for someone else’s business.

Millions in someone else’s pocket…

This has pushed me to start building something that is my own, rather than building up someone else’s dream…

Now, I’m ready to take all I’ve learned to be able to generate millions for my employer in revenue and create that same success for myself (as well as helping you do the same) so that money goes into my pocket and not in the pocket of someone else.

It’s time to make millions for yourself.

So, if you’re ready to take the next step…

Pre Sign-up for Intro Course

Business Launch & Marketing Course begins 1/1/22

Let’s get the new year started productively.